Entry Forms & Info
Sweepstakes & Youth
Entries Due Oct 1st without Late Fee. Books close on Monday, Dec 9th, at 5pm (central) with $50 Late Fee.
American Entries MUST be made online at BetterBarrelRaces.com
Junior Patriot Entries MUST be made online at PatriotEvent.com and do NOT include the Youth race!
Open 4D - NEW
Entries Due Dec 10th without Late Fee of $25/horse. Books close with start of each section or when each section fills.
Entries MUST be made online at BetterBarrelRaces.com or on-site (no mail-in entries accepted). Each horse may be entered twice (including rollovers).
BBR Membership Application
Current BBR Membership is required for all contestants​. Futurity Riders Guild or Gold membership required for contestants in Rookie or FRG Championship Futurities.
Membership may also be purchased online at BetterBarrelRaces.com